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Our industry specialized strategy advisors harbor more than 40 years of executive industry experience

Corporate  Growth

Portfolio Strategy

New Market(s) Opportunities

New Products Strategy

Business Model Redefinition

Digital Transformation

Reinsurance Strategy

Next Level Strategy

THE 360°

Corporate Growth

We employ scientific analyses of market and economic forecasts, business operating model and financial projection and reflect them into successful growth strategies in uncertain times.

Digital Transformation

It's not only using social media or renovating your website, it is all about insurance operations, underwriting, claims management, customer service and sales and distribution. We use latest insurtech and digital solutions to transform your conventional business strategy into a cutting edge digital business strategy for an ever evolving digital world.

Business Model Redefinition

This strategy service will help you change your business model into a successful strategy based on the changes in your market needs.


Our Reinsurance experts will help you build your reinsurance strategy based on various internal and external aspects of your business

Portfolio Strategy

Redefining your portfolio mix and strategy based on your market and clients needs, ensuring an ever profitable and risk balanced portfolio

New Products Strategy

This service help businesses in launching new products to diversify their portfolio, increase their top line and enhance their profitability and risk profile.

New Market(s) Opportunities

We help you update and develop your business strategy and model to increase your market share within your market and to help you penetrate a new market through local or international diversification

Example corporate growth strategy framework


Financial projections modelling

Implementation plan

  • Market and Company understanding
  • Strategic ambition
  • Strategic Roadmap
    • Products development
    • Geographic Reach
    • Capacities Building
    • Technological Development
  • Key Risks and Critical Success Factors
  • Strategy Based Assumptions
  • Pilot Sheet (Dynamic KPIs Based Dashboard)
  • Balance sheet
  • Income statement
  • Cash flow
  • Investment plan
  • CAPEX & OPEX Projections
  • Tasks and actions
  • Due Dates
  • Task Owners
  • Action Status
  • % of Completion
  • Revised completion date

Continuous meetings with management and board

Project management & implementation follow up


Our strategy consultancy solutions are developed by industry experienced executives who deliver realistic, practical and successful strategies that work

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