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We will integrate insurtech and digitization solutions through our carefully selected partners. With available Process automation, blockchain, advanced analytics and artificial intelligence solutions we will boost your business operations and processes and put your business in the insurance digital world.

Our insurtech and digitization solutions cover all your business needs, from sales and underwriting, claims management and customer service, big data management and fraud detection and risk prediction and smart contracts perspectives.

Smart underwriting

Sales & distribution

Customer experience

Claims processing

Big data management

Risk prediction

Smart contracts


Fraud detection


smart underwriting

Smart underwriting supported by telematics and mobility analytics solutions leads to more efficient underwriting, profitable contracts with fair prices to customers, ensuring higher customer retention and better portfolio management.

sales & distribution

Insurtech products to sell include all lines of business ranging from Motor insurance, Health and life insurance products and property and casualty insurance.

customer experience

AI and Bots customer service ensure 24/24 availability with faster response time in term of handling complaints and queries, in addition gamification of insurance products leads to better underwriting and better customer retention.

claims processing

Claims handling from claims submission to claims settlement is automated through digitization solutions and ensures faster and accurate claims processing without any delays or human errors.

big data management

Handling big data is now a big concern to insurance companies, our digitization solutions ensures efficient and secure big data management

risk prediction

Digitization and insurtech solutions provides solution that can predict risks based on large sets of claims experience data and supports in producing accurate underwriting

smart contacts

Faster issuance, more efficient, paperless and secure contracts can be automated to ensure better client experience while procuring an insurance contract. 


Multi channels AI and bots automated platforms are available to provide customers with fast and efficient experience.

fraud detection

Fraud detection in claims can be easily detected and flagged by AI. This solution ensures low to null fraud cases.


Full automation solution can provide insurance companies with efficient and accurate processes from A to Z, reducing admin costs and enhancing results.

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